Ashley, baby Harry and local mother and daughter inside the Forbidden City. It was so cute that the Chinese people wanted to take pictures with people from different countries. Baby Harry and I felt like celebrities.
Micheal inside the Forbidden City.
Michael and I on ski lift up to the top of The Great Wall of China.
Michael and I on The Wall.
A portion of The Great Wall of China. I included this picture to show everyone how long and steep the wall can be and yes to brag a little bit on myself. We climmed up 18 out of 23 guard towers while I was 18 weeks pregnant and we would have climmed more except they were blocking off that portion for President Bush's arrival.
USA Women's basketball game
Ashley, Vickie, Michael and Shannon with the man who discovered the Terra Cotta Warriors.
The Terra Cotta Warriors
Michael and the man who made him two custom suits, four custom shirts and one custom overcoat in a matter of two days. They look great on him! I love this picture because it also shows the Chinese faviorite hand signal- the peace sign.
USA Men's basketball game
USA Men's soccer game
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