Saturday, July 19, 2008

14 Week Ultrasound

14 weeks and 4 days

Wow, can you believe it. The first trimester is over and we are ready for round two. Baby Harry is getting so big! For those of you who are not a professional at reading ultrasounds, the baby's head is on the left and is facing down.

Michael and I had our first OB appointment this week and it was surreal. It was pretty much a usual GYN exam with added labwork and urine samples. The best part of our visit was taking another peak at our little baby. I was extremely excited to have a transabdominal ultrasound. Hopefully the days of invasive va jay jay ultrasounds are over!!!!! Everything looks good so far and we couldn't be happier. Our next visit is in 3 weeks, the day before we leave for China. I will be 17 weeks and 2 days and we are hoping to find out if we are having a boy or a girl. The anticipation is killing us. So, in the meantime, we thought it would be fun to have a survey for everyone to post there guesses.