Thursday, January 1, 2009

Where is baby Sawyer?

Michael and I are so anxious for baby Sawyer's arrival we just can't stand it. I know the family is equally excited and ready for him to be here. On Tuesday Michael and I had our appointment with Dr. Cope and he reported I am dilated to 3 cm and already 70% effaced. So right now it is just a waiting game. The other good news Dr. Cope reported was that since my body has done a lot of work already he feels labor will go relatively quickly. I am definitely thankful for that! I just pray that the family is able to make it on time, but other than that he is welcome to come just as they get settled. My actual due date is not until January 10th, but the bets are out that he will come a little early. Not as early as most predicted, but come on guys if you really know me, you know that the chances of this baby coming early or on time are pretty slim to none. Lets just hope that Sawyer has his father's since of time.
We love everybody and will update you as soon as he arrives, in the mean time, continue to keep us in your prayers.

Here are a few 38 week photos to enjoy.

I must of heard something funny.

1 comment:

Mary Ann Sandifer said...


I can hardly wait!!!!!! I'm sooooo excited . . . Keep me posted, your mom says "I'm on the list!"

Your all in my prayers!

Mary Ann